- December 7, 2013
- Categories:Asia, Central Asia, China, Diplomacy, Eurasia, Europe, Russia, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, The Middle East, The United States, World Trends
- A Tale of Two NATOs How Russia Can Cope With or Use Them
- November 9, 2013
- Categories:China, Culture, Eurasia, Politics, Russia, Society, World Economy, World Trends, civilization
- Russia, Russia, Wherefore Art Thou Russia?
- November 9, 2013
- Categories:Central Asia, China, Eurasia, Russia, Society, World Economy, World Trends
- Russia Needs Immigrants Anyway, But Not Too Many
- October 25, 2013
- Categories:Central Asia, China, Eurasia, Russia, The Middle East, The United States, World Trends
- The China Factor in Afghanistan-2014
- October 4, 2013
- Categories:Central Asia, Eurasia, Europe, Russia, The United States, World Trends
- On the Collision between the EU and the Eurasian Union
- September 18, 2013
- Categories:Africa, Central Asia, China, Diplomacy, Eurasia, Europe, Oceania, Politics, Russia, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, The Middle East, The United States, World Trends
- What Has and Has Not Changed After the U.S.-Russia Agreement on Syria
- September 6, 2013
- Categories:China, Diplomacy, Europe, Russia, South Korea, The Middle East, The United States, World Economy, World Trends, civilization
- How to Save the G20 from Chasm
- August 22, 2013
- Categories:China, Economy, Europe, Russia, The United States, World Economy, World Trends, civilization
- August 19th and the Miscarried Liberalism in Russia
- July 25, 2013
- Categories:China, Diplomacy, Economy, Japan Diary, Politics, Russia, Society, South Korea, The United States
- What North Korea Means for Japan?
- July 22, 2013
- Categories:Asia, China, Diplomacy, Economy, Europe, Japan Diary, Politics, Russia, Society, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, The United States, World Economy
- Abe's victory brings a stable government at least for three years
- July 13, 2013
- Categories:Asia, Central Asia, China, Diplomacy, Eurasia, Europe, Russia, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, The Middle East, The United States, World Trends, civilization
- For Whom the Democracy Tolls in Eurasia?
- July 6, 2013
- Categories:Central Asia, China, Diplomacy, Eurasia, Russia, South Korea, The United States, World Trends, civilization
- Do Not Fixate Too Much on China's Surge
- June 14, 2013
- Categories:Asia, China, Diplomacy, Oceania, Russia, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, The Middle East, The United States, World Economy, World Trends
- Asia needs constant U.S. care to stay as her allies
- May 25, 2013
- Categories:Russia, The Middle East, The United States, World Trends
- Will Russia send its troops to Syria?
- December 19, 2012
- Categories:China, Diplomacy, Economy, Japan Diary, Politics, Russia, The United States, World Economy
- Change of government after three years --the resurge of the old Liberal Democratic Party
- July 23, 2012
- Categories:Africa, Asia, Central Asia, China, Europe, Russia, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, The Middle East, The United States, World Economy, World Trends, civilization
- Advent of U.S.A. version 2.0
- July 20, 2012
- Categories:Asia, China, Diplomacy, Japan Diary, Politics, Russia, Taiwan, The United States
- In order to avoid a Sino-Japanese collision on Senkaku Islands
- April 25, 2012
- Categories:Asia, Diplomacy, Russia, The United States, Unwarranted Views
- It is now time for Russia to take charge of North Korea
- January 3, 2012
- Categories:Asia, Central Asia, China, Diplomacy, Economy, Eurasia, Europe, Japan Diary, Oceania, Politics, Russia, Society, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, The United States, The World, World Economy, civilization
- The year of the dragon hath come
- December 26, 2011
- Categories:Russia, World Trends, civilization
- Twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Soviet Union
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