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Japan Diary

July 24, 2010

From a Soft Power to a "Hysteria Power"--Japan's case

After the demise of the Cold War we came to learn so many new categories of state--rogue state, failed state and even pariah state. Before it was much easier, because the Soviet Union was supposed to be all of them. Now we have to study each independent case.

To make political science even more complex Japan proudly announces (for itself) a new type of state--a hysteria state, or to put it in Joseph Nye's style "hysteria power".

When your beloved spouse suddenly becomes irrational and emotional, what can you do about it? Just divorce partner of your life? If not, then you will do everything to bring your spouse to sanity, offering liqueur and bonbons, won't you? Then it means that hysteria can generate power, by attracting attention and even care. Irrational behavior and thinking does not lower one's position in the world but on the contrary.

Japan wants to be treated as equal by the U.S., not because she is doing lots of contribution for the maintenance of the world stability, but simply because Japan is Japan. Japan does not want to see foreign troops permanently based on its own territories, but she is firmly convinced that in case of emergency the mightly U.S. troops will rush to save her out of any danger.

Japan's politics is very populistic. Its leaders do not lead, but they are led by the people. This is a democracy in its very extreme form. People do not want to pay more taxes, but they do want to receive more social benefits.

Therefore, as the Japanese elite (The word "elite" itself is detested in the egalitarian Japanese society. Their layer is very thin, if any.) can not convince the people, the only choice left is to utilize our own irrationality as diplomatic weapon. Japan still matters in the world, and it can not be easily discarded by partners. So, change thy weakpoint into a insurmountable weapon to have your own way in the world. Watch out for a hysteria power!

(Dear readers, please understand the degree of my despair about what is being done in my country)


Author: Akio KAWATO | August 30, 2010 12:39 AM

My article above has been translated into Arabic. Terrific! Please see it at http://www.panorientnews.com/news.php?k=254.

Akio Kawato

Author: takagi kiyomitsu | October 14, 2010 5:02 AM

Hysteria Powerというのはあまりにも自虐的な言葉です。確かにこのところの日本政治の迷走ぶりは見るに堪えません。国会審議にしてもコップの中の話ばかりで世界の中の日本が見当たりません。嘆く気持ちはわかりますが、迫りくる危機に対してもっと警告を鳴らし、制度の改革を促進することで危機を脱出できるかもしれません。

Author: 河東 | October 15, 2010 12:18 AM

中国に対しても怒っているだけでなく、international collaborationの道を探していくのが一番いいのかもしれないですね。

Author: オーデマ ピゲ コピー | February 9, 2017 2:38 PM


Author: http://1xhlry.cjpmedia.com/ | April 18, 2017 11:34 AM


Author: ブランドスーパーコピー | March 12, 2019 5:23 PM


Author: ルブタン スニーカー コピー | April 30, 2019 10:32 AM


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